Short selling is a trading strategy that is adopted by many traders especially in the forex industry. This is a trading strategy that gives traders a chance to take positions when they have a negative outlook on the performance of the asset. There are important steps that you should consider following during the trade. Here is how you can start short selling:
Opening of an IG trading account
The first thing that you can do is opening an IG trading account. This is a very simple thing to do. Even if you are not knowledgeable, you can still do this. You just need to follow some simple steps. It only takes a few minutes before you open an account successfully. You can do it using your smartphone, laptop, or tablet.
Finding an opportunity
The next important step is to find a suitable opportunity. Various tools can be used for this. Use the best platform to find what you are looking for.
Placing your trade
The last step is placing your trade. When you are set to trade, you should get started by selecting the market that you want. You should then choose ‘sell’ on the deal ticket.